Child Protection

The Board of Management has adopted two significant documents in relation to Child Protection:

These documents will be reviewed on an annual basis.  The principle guiding these documents, and the policy and practice of our school, is to ‘recognise that the protection and welfare of children is of paramount importance, regardless of all other considerations’.

This manifests itself in two ways:

  • Archbishop McHale College will endeavour implement the highest standards of care in relation to our students and these standards will be reflected in all school policies.
  • Personnel at the school will follow procedures outlined in the Department of Education and Skills’ Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools 2017 in relation to all matters pertaining to child welfare.

Please note that all registered teachers (i.e. the teaching staff of this school) are mandated persons in accordance with the Children First Act 2015. This means that a teacher will be obliged to report any disclosure or concern she or he may have that a child may be exposed to one or more of the four forms of abuse:

  • Neglect,
  • Emotional abuse,
  • Physical abuse,
  • Sexual abuse.