November 2020
AMC's fantastic German debate team took part in the first round of the Goethe Institut's national debating competition. The motion was "Es sollte einen Tag Unterricht am Computer pro Woche". We were the Pro Team and argued that in 2020, lessons on computers should definitely form part of our education. We took on Colaiste Ciarain from Athlone and were narrowly beaten. The judges praised our team for their impressive German and we are all very proud of their performance. Unglaublich gut gemacht!

February 2019
Congratulations to the German Debate Team who were narrowly beaten by Ardscoil Mhuire, Ballinasloe in the third round of the Goethe Institut's debate. Team members did themselves, their class and Archbishop McHale College so proud. Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into representing our school in so prestigious and academic a competition. Thank you too to the Judges Hermann Rasche and Lisa Krack from NUI, G and to Ms.Gallagher for the fantastic podium that she built from scratch! We have a very talented student and staff body! Wir sind sehr dankbar!

November 2018
Massive congratulations to Archbishop McHale College's German debating team who are through to the next round of the Goethe Institut's national debating competition. They beat The Mercy College, Sligo in a battle of wits today on the theme of the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Our team scored an unbelievable 389 marks out of a possible 435. Prima gemacht ihr alle! Thanks too to the three Judges from the Tuam- Straubing Twinning Committee and NUI, G.

April 2018
Herzliche Glückwünsche! Our fabulous German debating team were awarded certificates from the Goethe Institut! Well done to all involved!