Book Rental Scheme

Students have the opportunity to avail of the Book Rental Scheme. Students receive the books near the start of the school year and return the books near the end of the 3rd year, for Junior Cycle, and near the end of the 6th year, for Senior Cycle.

In the case where a book changes for the next year, then the book will be given back to the school and the book needed for the next year(s) will be issued. An example of this would be the Maths books. At the end of first year, the Maths book is given back to the school and the book that is used in second and third year is issued to the student.


  • Students are actively encouraged to take proper care of texts on loan to them by the school
  • Stocktaking of all books returned is carried out annually and the condition of books is monitored. At this stage a decision is made by the book rental personnel, in conjunction with subject teachers and the principal, as to whether the stock of any particular text is of sufficient quality to be issued again. If deemed unusable they are sent for recycling
  • All new texts are barcoded using a computerised book rental package. Each student’s textbooks are recorded on the system. All new texts are covered using a durable plastic cover

Return of books

  • Books are scanned back into the system when students have finished using them
  • If books are not returned the book rental person follows up on same
  • The cost of lost/excessively damaged books is borne by the student/parents


Examination papers are not supplied by the scheme.